Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Halloween 2010

Jason, Brady and I helped at a school haunted house. Brady loved it and was really good at it. Jay did it because I forced him too but I think he enjoyed it. He scared a lot of kids and got some adults really scared too. I am an old lady and I stood there and then would slowly shake and hobble around. Aside from the make up it was a lot of fun!
Alexis wanted to be a spider this year. Yes a spider, not a princess or anything girlie. Although she made a spider look pretty cute.
Casey is a Red Ninja. His favorite color is red so that's what made him pick this costume. He's a pretty good looking ninja.
Conner decided to be Snake Eyes from GI Joe. He likes GI Joe and so does his dad so this was a win- win costume. He looks good too!
Brady is a Grim Reaper. Although he likes it, I am not so sure I do. Halloween is hard for boys. I don't like the blood and scary costumes. Good thing Brady has told me this was his last year trick or treating! He will be 12 next year and that is a good age to stop. He did play the part well.

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