Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Jason!

Happy Birthday Jason!
Jason's birthday was Sept. 27. He was out of town the days before his birthday and flew home on his birthday. Alexis' helped me make the cake and we made some signs for him too. We celebrated his birthday with Casey and had a swim party the week before.
It was late so the kids were ready for bed.. Jason is the best dad, he really is. He loves his kids and enjoys spending time with them. He loves to play sports with them and teach them to play better. He is there biggest fan and would do anything for them. With that said our kiddos adore there dad. The boys want to be just like him and Alexis is his little sugar muffin. All of our kids have there own special bond with him and I love watching them together. How lucky am I and our kiddos to have Jason as the head of our family.
Jason is a great guy and I am lucky to be "stuck" with him. He works hard for us and does what he can to make sure we have it all. I hope he knows how much we love him and appreciate him.
Happy Birthday Babe!

Some of Jason's Favorites:
Color: Blue
Dessert: Cheesecake
Sport: Baseball
Food: Pizza
Thing to do: Play Golf

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